For the realization of kitchen and bathroom worktops and window sills, the Marble Factory uses, among others, Compac brand quartz.
Compac has a wide range of colors, the main ones are listed below.
Compac’s highly advanced technology has created a product of exceptional strength and beauty that far exceeds the benefits of natural quartz.
Made from a mixture of pure quartz, pigments and resins, it maintains the technical and aesthetic characteristics of the original rock, resulting in an ideal product for spaces requiring a high level of resistance to abrasion and scratching.
Absolute White Alaska Azabache Botticino Carrara Ceniza Coco Cool Gray Dimgray Fucsia Glaciar Imperial Kenya Lactea Lila Luna Mocha Wedding Nocturno Orange Passion Perlino Blue Stone Plomo Portoro Rubi Silver Smoke Gray Snow Titaneo Vanilla Venecia Warm Gray